Professional Training
Share Your Passion
At The North Station Academy, we believe learning never stops. Our comprehensive training program offers teachers of all backgrounds and skills a variety of classes and courses geared towards their professional and personal growth.

Induction week
Induction week is one of the most important weeks for our development programme as it is where teachers get to catch up after the summer break and get to know new staff. Also, we carry out an analysis of the staff's needs and wants, which in turn helps us plan the development programme effectively.
Coaching sessions
Each month, every member of staff gets to sit down with their coach for a coaching session. The purpose of these sessions is to provide you with personalised development, as well as provide teachers with a place to voice their doubts, concerns, worries and, more often than not, successes!

Observations are apart of teaching. At the North Station Academy observations are viewed as developmental and form the basis of our action plans throughout the year. We carry out a range of different observations types throughout the year based on teachers' needs and wants.
Peer observations
We believe that teachers should be given the chance to observe other teachers in action. Every term, teachers are given the chance to choose a level or class that they would like to observe, and then observe that class. We organise peer observations in such a way that the observing teaching has their class covered so that they are not overloaded with work.

Throughout the year, the academy holds a range of workshops. These workshops are created based on both the academy's and teachers' needs and wants. These workshops are often led by the Director of Studies; however, teachers are encouraged to try out their own workshops (and are supported in their efforts to do this!).
Social outings
We believe that being a teacher is much more than teaching in the classroom - it is being part of a team. In order to develop this team sprit, the academy regularly organises social events for teachers - events that are not teaching-related but are a lot of fun!

Every year, the academy sends its teachers to either a local or national teaching conference. We do this because these conferences provide an excellent base for further development as well as for networking.